Hendy Driving School in Builth Wells (Llanfair-Ym-Muallt), Powys

Hendy Driving School

hendy driving

Category : Mid Wales
Address : 41 Garth Road
Builth Wells (Llanfair-Ym-Muallt)
Telephone : 01982 552531
Fax :
Website : http://www.hendydrivingschool.com/

No ImageHendy Driving School is an incredibly friendly and qualified school of motoring based in the heart of Wales. You can arrange pick up for lessons either from your home or any other location. A hugely experiecend instructor will take you through the entire range of knowledge required to pass your driving test.

You will be able to achieve the required standard to pass a driving test and be safe on the roads with Hendy driving school, in a safe and cost effective manner!

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